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Vitamin B6 AND Vitamin B12

Vitamin B6 is a naturally occurring compound that is essential to the maintenance of good health. This water-soluble vitamin assists in amino acid metabolism (hommocysteine), glycogen metabolism and degradation (Vitamin B6 is required for glycogen phosphorylase activity), and impacts the action of steroid hormones and gene expression. Vitamin B6 is needed as a coenzyme for many reactions involved in amino acid metabolism.

These include: transamination reactions, which transfer amino groups from amino acids to ketoacids to produce new amino acids; deamination reactions, which remove the amine group from amino acid so they can be used to produce energy or to synthesize glucose; and decarboxylation reactions, which remove the acid group (-COOH) from amino acid so the remaining molecule can be used to synthesize neurotransmitters and other non-protein molecules that contain nitrogen.

Vitamin B6 improves immune function, and reduces cardiovascular threats by metabolizing homocysteine. Homocysteine is an intermediate in methionine metabolism – high concentrations of homocysteine in blood will lead to artherosclerosis.

Vitamin B12 is a naturally occurring water-soluble compound that is essential for the maintenance and regulation of blood plasma. Vitamin B12 is not synthesized by humans (or animals and plants) and must be consumed in adequate dietary concentrations.

As a result, most sources of Vitamin B12 are ergogenic or from foods that have been fortified with this necessary vitamin. Vitamin B12 is required for the maintenance of myelin (nerve insulation responsible for proper nerve transmission), and helps to produce red blood cells and treat pernicious anemia (a fatal form of anemia that does not respond to iron supplementation).

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Choose Dairy Protein

Milk is one of the most excellent sources of protein. Casein accounts for about 80% of the total protein in bovine milk, while highly soluble whey protein accounts for the remaining 20%. Whey is considered the most valuable dairy protein as it contains all the essential amino acids required by the body for optimum growth and biological performance.

Whey proteins are easily digested, completely bio-available and have excellent metabolic efficiency. Whey is an excellent nutritional source for children. Whey protein contains all the essential amino acids in optimal proportions. Because of its balanced amino acid profile, Whey is an excellent ingredient for protein fortification in children’s diets. Whey protein is particularly effective in stimulating muscle protein synthesis.

It is known that physical activity increases protein needs beyond what is needed for natural growth. Amino acid supplementation in combination with physical activity stimulates the transport of amino acids into the muscles. There is a direct correlation between inward amino acid transport and muscle protein synthesis.

A strong immune system is essential for protecting children’s bodies against various illnesses. Inadequate protein (amino acids) intake may retard immune function in children.

In comparison to most other protein sources, Whey protein is unique in its ability to optimize many aspects of immune function. Whey protein seems to modulate immune function by boosting glutathione production. Glutathione is the first line of the body’s antioxidant defense system that regulates many components of immune function. Muscle glutamine is another essential fuel for the immune function that can be provided by Whey protein supplementation.

Whey protein is also rich in Arginine and Lysine. Arginine and Lysine are among the amino acids that seem to stimulate growth hormone, which is an anabolic hormone or stimulator for muscle growth.

Whey protein encompasses a variety of fractions including the major bovine proteins alphalactalbumin and beta-lactoglobulin, and minor fractions such as serum proteins, immunoglobulins, lactoferrin, and tissue growth factors. Recent clinical trials have also shown that dietary intakes of dairy products may protect against excess adiposity.

Whey protein isolate and other dairy product solids have received GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe ) from FDA.

Kiddie-ProTM is rich in Whey protein, providing a minimum of 50% protein per serving. Kiddie-ProTM is naturally sweetened: no preservatives, artificial color or flavors have been added.

Recent clinical trials have also shown that dietary intakes of dairy products may protect against excess adiposity.

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